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Medify MA-35 Review

Medify MA-35 Review

Medify MA-35 is the new entrant in to the Air Purifier market. The latest model from Medify comes with attractive design and cool color options. The HEPA Air Purifier has also got affordable price tag compared to other models in the market. If you’re looking for a budget-friendly air purifier, this Medify MA-35 Review will help you to understand if this product meets your needs.

You have kids at home or old age parents or someone in family are allergic to dust, then its time to invest on a good HEPA Air purifier. A small investment will save you a lot from clinic visits, and more importantly keeps your family healthy. Any of the models available in market would do good. However, some products are highly efficient in ensuring 360deg purification on larger area and effective removal of airborne viruses, bacteria and particles.

The Medify MA-35 comes with HEPA H13 grade filters that offers 99.9% of airborne particle removal. H13 are medical grade filters that traps 0.21 micron particles up to 99.95%, compared to low-grade H10-H12 filters that can filter only up to 85%. The powerful MA-35 air purifier is rated to clean 640 sq ft room in 30 minutes.

The Medify MA-35 features 3 fan speed settings to meet your quick purification or night modes. The model also has got few other useful features like Child Lock, touch screen control panel and Filter replacement indicator. The Air purifier comes with three striking color options, viz. black, silver and white. The device has decent looking chrome plated stand, however it looks premium and piece of art when wall-mounted.

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